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Intistele - vital project which can provide answer for varied problems. The tool helps to transfer information without difficulty.

Main part

Businessmen all over the world are enthusiastic by sharing urgent information, having conversation about the latest news, or setting assignments. Due to the very rapid flow of our life and especially eager to gain time - many of us choose messages because this way of communication is the fastest and the most convenient for busy people. This simple and well-known software is invented to help men and women to achieve the goals.

+ and -

Using IntisTele system has a lot of benefits. For example:

Automatic system. It indicates that there is no need to accomplish several actions for sending SMS. Set the assignment, and your recipients will receive it.

Easy in usage. The condition is to log in and top up the balance. Now you can to set a assignment or share the important news.

The expected time of bulk texting distribution is from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (if only area you are located possesses network coverage).


What optional capabilities are accessible for departments and industries?

Solutions by department

SMS software is a beneficial solution for departments. Bulk texting system considered to be a powerful instrument reach each marketing goals. For instance:

It is possible to share information concerning new offers. It is possible to personalize each message and build it in original way.

Gaining of statistics owing to SMS software campaigns.

SMS software could be implemented of the department`s everyday routine. Bulk texting can help:

web designers are able to integrate IntisTele API gateway.

By virtue of this innovation you are able to transfer a lot of  bulk texting, gather status.

Unlimited testing access to IntisTele messages software gives permission for debugging your unique operating program solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Python.

IntisTele plugins and widgets are created to smooth integration of most major CMS (Joomla).

SMS commands are good for sysadmins because they are able to establish remote administration and server management.

Alert on time about any issues.

Bulk texts software is instantly updating on the exact server infrastructure performance.

Business owners also could systematize their employees' schedule with the help of the SMS program. Moreover, exist other solutions prepared for business people.

Define instructions for your colleagues.

Receive response from clients by way of SMS.

On the website it is possible to find recognizable web interface, payment options that matches every wallet and a very captivating affiliate program. With bulk texting software:

It is possible to get easy access to in-system operations. Two things that you require to use SMS service are the Internet and browser.

You will be surprised by the speed of SMS transferring.

Solutions by industry

The bulk texting system solution is perfect choice for online services. Bulk texting system can help to solve a issues of different spheres in various industries.

It is a excellent solution for retail. With bulk texting service exists an alternative to establish notifications concerning offers.

Bulk texts system is available in the beauty industry. It can be applied in beauty salon.

The SMS will tell users about sales in the beauty sphere.

Bulk texts software considered to be the best solution develop travel & transport operations and make customers have the best experience in the time of their journeys.

SMS software could be helpful for startups and IT. This application is necessary for providers.

Bulk texting alert to serve security. It is applicable for satellite tracking.

SMS software prices

It is easy to refill your balance and settle the amount of money which you can provide. IntisTele is able propose various approached of funding the balance. For example, Credit cards.

Frequently Asked Questions

On the occasion you have any additional questions about the software and the principles of working process, do not hesitate to go to IntisTele FAQ.

SMS guidelines

SMS system conclusions

To send message about offers could turn into the best solution for your business. It will increase your profit. Because of this bulk texts are widely spread among service providers.

Source: https://www.intistele.com/



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